What effect does Ammonia have on Plants as a Fertilizer - satyakipathshala

What effect does Ammonia have on Plants as a Fertilizer: Ammonia is present in soil, water and air, and it is an important source of nitrogen for plants. Nitrogen promotes plant growth and improves fruit and seed production, resulting in a greater yield. It's also essential for photosynthesis, which is the process in which plants convert light energy into chemical energy.

What effect does Ammonia have on Plants as a Fertilizer

Ammonia is a basic building block for ammonium nitrate fertilizers, which releases nitrogen, an essential nutrient for growing plants, including farm crops and lawns. About 90 percent of ammonia produced worldwide is used in fertilizer, to help sustain food production for billions of people around the world. 

The production of food crops naturally depletes soil nutrient supplies. In order to maintain healthy crops, farmers relay on fertilizers to keep their soils productive. Fertilizers also can also help increase levels of essential nutrients like zinc, selenium and boron in food crops.
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