What is a Corn and How to get rid of it: A Corn is a Thick, hardened layers of skin caused by friction and pressure. Corns most often develop on the tops and sides of feet and between the toes. They're benign and can also be found in weight-bearing areas. Symptoms include hardened, raised bumps surrounded by inflamed skin. They can be painful when pressed.
Corns are caused by repeated pressure or friction on an area of Skin. The pressure causes the skin to die and form a hard, protective surface. A soft corn is formed in the same way, except that when sweat is trapped where the corn develops, the hard core softens.
There are few ways to get rid of Corns like Self-care measures include wearing properly fitting shoes and using protective pads. Medicated patches can help remove corns or a doctor can trim them. Medical procedure includes Removal of unhealthy tissue. There is also a device called Brace applied to body to help stabilise, protect or limit movement of a Corn.